Ecology and RE

We are pleased to announce that 'Ecology and RE' a toolkit for KS3 to explore the links between Environment and Religion is now available on our TES shop

See below for an example activity from the Toolkit 

The Toolkit is available on our TES shop by following the following link:

This Toolkit has been designed to help students explore the Big Idea ‘what does it mean to live a good life?’


Interleaving learning between RE, Geography and Science the resource asks students to answer the Big Question, ‘should followers of religions and worldviews take special care of the environment?’


The toolkit provides resources that will help students to explore the following questions:

What do religions and worldviews teach about ecology?


  • How does a religion or worldviews impact lifestyles?


  • How do we know what the right moral action is in a situation?


  • Do followers of religion and worldviews have a duty to campaign on environmental issues?

What do Teachers say....

"The toolkit was perfect for our Year 8s, it was very useful as is packed with content and activities that are relevant and allow students to demonstrate what they know about Ecology and RE " J Zahid Head of Religious Education, Stratford School Academy

"A fantastic range of resources that has massively helped me in my planning of a scheme of work on religions and worldviews in connection with the environment. The resources have enabled me to create engaging and purposeful lessons that I am sure our year 9 students will enjoy." Harris Academy Chobham

" We thought the Ecology resources were extremely helpful in bringing to light some interesting topics related to religion and environment. For example designing an eco -friendly place of worship was relevant, forward thinking and niche. The resources helped teachers to plan engaging and creative lessons" Harris Academy Chobham